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Showing posts with label Life in Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life in Korea. Show all posts

Culture Shock about Christmas Holiday in Korea

  If you are in Korea or any Asian country I have a question for you; do you enjoy Christmas there? As for me, I do not enjoy Christmas in Korea. If you are not in Asia or Korea, you can imagine how boring it is to be in a quiet home. Especially Christmas time! Korean neighborhoods are so quite. The landlord can give you several warnings if you make noise in your apartment. Even your neighbors whom you haven't seen can leave notices at your door if you play loud music or talk loudly. If one wants to hold a party, they have to rent a facility for that. In Korea if you want the ghetto kind of noise, you just go to the market, shopping malls and clubs. 

 Imagine, the ghetto in me of listening to loud music and even dancing to music from neighbor's parties. I even wonder if Korean families own speakers or amplifiers. Honestly, Korean households are just too quiet for me. This is a culture shocker and others mentioned in previous post.

 I always go to downtown for a Christmas feel. South Korean calendar shows Christmas holiday only on the 25th of December! No boxing day holiday, if 26th of December falls on a working day you just go to work! Luckily this year 26th was a Saturday so we had a day off!  Another shocker is the amount of decorations they put for Christmas you would think it's a week holiday. I am one person who grew up celebrating Christmas from the 19th of December to 2 January kind of festive mood. I miss loud music parties and outdoor braai on fire at home.  Who else miss home Christmas party?

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Please leave a comment.