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Showing posts with label chopsticks skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chopsticks skills. Show all posts

How I mastered using Chopsticks

I knew Asian community uses chopsticks to eat. From the TV programs I noticed that they were 2-types of chopsticks, the wooden and stainless steel types. I wasn't surprised to see chopsticks the day I first ate Korean meal in Korea back then on 26th of March 2011, "Bulgugi rice' at Keimyung University.
Since it was my first meal, I just used the spoon throughout. I tried chopsticks for  a short while but they were sliding from my hands, yes, they were falling down on the floor not on the table.  😂😂

So I thought, 🤔 how will I manage for the next 3-years. Few days later an idea came to me. I had to practice till I perfect my chopstick eating skill.

I had to buy and eat Ramen, not with a spoon

Luckily they sold wooden chopsticks attached to cup Ramen. That was the beginning of my success story to handling stainless steel chopsticks. I repeatedly tried on other foods then 😎 I became a pro. Now I can even cook with chopsticks, yeah 😂. I hope you enjoyed reading my chopsticks success story in-few-words. Have you ever tried chopsticks? Please check my YouTube video where I was trying to cook chicken with chopsticks.

My next blog, I will share my kimchi taste review. 

Thank you! Kamsahamnida.