Since it was my first meal, I just used the spoon throughout. I tried chopsticks for a short while but they were sliding from my hands, yes, they were falling down on the floor not on the table. 😂😂
So I thought, 🤔 how will I manage for the next 3-years. Few days later an idea came to me. I had to practice till I perfect my chopstick eating skill.
I had to buy and eat Ramen, not with a spoon
but with chopsticks. Please check my Spoon the Ramen challenge
Luckily they sold wooden chopsticks attached to cup Ramen. That was the beginning of my success story to handling stainless steel chopsticks. I repeatedly tried on other foods then 😎 I became a pro. Now I can even cook with chopsticks, yeah 😂. I hope you enjoyed reading my chopsticks success story in-few-words. Have you ever tried chopsticks? Please check my YouTube video where I was trying to cook chicken with chopsticks.
My next blog, I will share my kimchi taste review.