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Showing posts with label study in Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label study in Korea. Show all posts

Global Korea Scholarship application - Do's and Don'ts

The Global Korea Scholarship is open for application, and the deadline is 15 March 2022. The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe posted the call for applications on their Facebook page. They highlighted all the application procedures (see poster below). 

Poster extracted from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe (Facebook Page)

They "Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe Facebook Page" specified that Zimbabwean, Zambian and Malawian students are eligible to apply for this scholarship (on another Facebook post). The program package includes a 12 months Korean language training, Masters or PhD tuition, stipend, insurance, airfare and other grants for study completion. It's the best scholarship and an opportunity one can easily come to South Korea to further their studies. I urge you to follow the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe Facebook Page for more details concerning this scholarship offer,  read all the instructions, apply and also share the information.

The deadline is 15 March 2022, there isn't much time but you can run around now and make your documents ready for submission. Do not submit incomplete applications; this is a competitive scholarship, you-snooze-you-lose kinda scenario. Do not use middle-men to process your documents, this is a genuine scholarship so at this application stage, all communications should be between you and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe. I mean do not pay anyone to process any of your documents, scammers are there (beware of them and resist the temptation). Just follow the procedures outlined on the scholarship site and instructions provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe. One more thing: Do not inbox me for further assistance or clarifications because I do not know how they select or screen the documents. Therefore, your communications should be between you and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe! GOOD LUCK!!! Please apply and good luck everyone.

I purposefully didn't attach any links on this post because I want to avoid any corrupt software from interfering with this post. Simply search for the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe (Facebook Page) and start your preparations now! 

If you want to know more about life in Korea, please check us, Zimboz in Korea page on Facebook. If you want to apply for other scholarships, partial scholarships or full scholarships offered by Universities in South Korea please join our Facebook page Scholarship Plug Korea.

Links for Partial Scholarships in Korea

Partial Scholarships for International students: 
Application period September to end of October for Spring semester in March 2022 (Cross-check the application deadlines)
1. Full tuition (100%, 80%, 50% etc, sometimes tuition discount is fixed throughout the studies)
2. Stipend (requires back up if less than 900,000 won per month)
3. Discounted dormitory (with/without meals or cooking facilities)
4. Research based (extra allowance Masters & Ph.D degree)

Shiyelia in Korea (graduation ceremony 2014 & 2019)  

What to expect on research based scholarship
- you become full time research student as soon as you join your lab 
-  you get extra allowance through your Supervisor depending on the ongoing projects

Where to find a partial scholarship?
- University websites, admissions, scholarships for international students! 
- Some tips about studying in Korea in this video.

The best partial scholarships: KAIST scholarships for undergraduates application period on their website, https://admission.kaist.ac.kr/intl-undergraduate/scholarships/ scholarship review on this video below:

The SRD Dongguk Scholarship, Masters and PhD students, research based,  100% tuition, review in this video:

For detailed reviews please join our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scholarshipplugkorea

Review on the 'good' scholarships offered in South Korea

Most people want to know if there are any good scholarships offered in South Korea so for clarification I will do {Q} and {A} blog.

Q: Are there GOOD scholarships in Korea?
A: yes, there are many scholarships offered in South Korea. The good scholarships are fully funded type of scholarships. One good example is the Korean government scholarship. This is the best since it's fully funded with a two way air-ticket from/to student's country of residence and a health insurance too. If you get the government scholarship, you pay nothing. However, the Korean Government Scholarship (KGSP) has ONE requirement: passing Korean Language Proficiency Test (TOPIK level 3 or 4, you will get all information from the time of applying). 

Q: Where to get the forms?
A: South Korean Embassy in your country. (Information also available on Korean Government Scholarship websites)

Q: Do you need to pay any processing fees etc.? 
A: I may only say yes on your side to process your passports and get your certifications ready for submission. (I do not know exactly but once you start applying for the scholarship you communicate directly with the coordinators in charge of those scholarships.)

Q: Does knowing Korean help in any way? 
A: I think yes, you may have a better chance to respond to the applications with confidence since you already have interest in Korea by knowing the language.

If lucky then it means your days in language school or in Korean (if you get the scholarship) will be smoother than someone who learns the alphabet or characters from scratch in class.

Enough said about Korean Government Scholarship; yearly they enroll, breakdown of finances, figures and statistics available on the website. No need to think of saving money to cover expenses!!!

Q: Other examples of scholarships sponsored by the Korean government are:
Types of government scholarships:
1. NIIED Scholarship (or popularly known as KGSP) 
2. KOICA Scholarship KOICA or MURD (government workers in developing countries)

Q: is there age limit? Other restrictions?
A: AGE LIMIT, is the main cut off point for the KGSP scholarship. 
Pregnancy test and other health check ups also mandatory during application period. 

The KOICA and MURD scholarships are for sponsoring government workers in selected countries, so the age limit is not really important.

In conclusion:
Q: How many people do they select?
A: They only select a few, in some cases one person per country or two people it all depends on their selection criteria.

This means, chances are slim to get it but it's worth trying!

Q: Other important tips?
A: Please prepare your documents and submit before the deadline
AVOID mistakes!!!
Imagine thousands of people applying for the same scholarship and use that to motivate you to meticulously prepare your applications! 

BEST WISHES if you are planning to apply for these scholarships. Please comment or share this info to motivate others.

Review on Research Based Ph.D. Scholarships in South Korea

A research based scholarship for Ph.D. is a full-tuition scholarship offered to International Students to pursue their studies. These are mostly in research based degrees such as Engineering and Biological Sciences.

Ph.D. graduation 22 Feb 2018, Materials Science & Engineering
 @University of Seoul

I will stick to my major, Materials Science and Engineering. I was offered the full-tuition scholarship at University of Seoul from 2015 to 2017 (2 years of course work to obtain 60 credits). Then depending on your Supervisor whom you work with from day one of your admission, you simultaneously conduct research daily whilst doing coursework. In other words, from the day you get enrolled you become fulltime research student until the day of graduation. You also get a living allowance from your Supervisor depending on your ongoing research activities. 

The scholarship package:

1. full tuition by the university

2. Living allowance (depending on the projects in your laboratory)

*if  project funding is low then your living expense allowance will be low, why? There is no way Professor can support you if there is no funding.

In such cases, you need a BACK UP somewhere somehow because cost of living in Seoul is so high. Minimum monthly expenses on tightest budget would be 700,000 won.

This scholarship type is best if your Supervisor has good funding, if not it's a real headache to survive on it because you cannot do part-times here in Korea, it's rare to find one especially for African people.

I also discussed my journey on this link here

Please leave some comments and share this info too. Thank you!