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My experience with Korean characters in-few-words

My journey to Korea started in November 2011 when I was offered a scholarship to pursue Masters degree in Materials Science and Engineering. I accepted the offer ONLY because they said the courses were in English. I JUST knew Chinese characters from several products that we buy. Honestly I had to google and see how the Korean language looks like I somehow saw that Korean characters were easy to look at as compared to complex Chinese characters. (안녕하세요 - HELLO in Korean) I am sure you can also confirm that Korean characters are easier to look at and not that complicated like Chinese characters. I then printed a paper of few phrases on how to get around, believe me I didn't even use them.

When I arrived at Incheon International airport, 

the struggle got real, NO-ONE was speaking English, they were speaking Korean. I started wondering if the courses were really going to be offered in English. First week in the Korean Language School hehehehe 🤣🤣, it wasn't true "it-wasn't-true" we learnt Korean language in Korean. The only English that I heard in class was O-KE-YI (Ko-nglish OK). It was like a Greek lesson though I don't know how Greek sounds lol. My jaws were tight, I couldn't follow confidently the pronunciation sounds. This went on and on for several weeks until I started grasping few words in class. Writing the alphabet wasn't difficult but hahaha the pronunciation was something else, I felt like I was speaking another Shona dialect lol. [SHONA is Zimbabwean Language]

That was my experience with Korean characters in-few-words. Now I am glad that I CAN distinguish Asian characters without struggle. I hope you enjoyed reading my experience, please let me know in the COMMENTS, your thoughts about ASIAN LANGUAGES. If you like my blog please follow me.

Please check out my YouTube video on tips of selecting Korean menu for non-KOREAN speakers.

My next blog is on My experience with chop sticks in-few-words.


  1. Wow! What an interesting read. I am still learning the language~ it's not as difficult as I thought.

    Looking forward to more of your blogs.

    1. Thank you for taking your time to read, soon I will publish another one!
